Using specialized power washing equipment we help you keep your exterior grounds, parking lots and parking garages looking spotless. Kansas Clean Properties is the Wichita power washing company commercial, home owners and property management companies can trust. Fully licensed and insured, we only use the highest quality cleaners and cleaning agents that are safe for families, pets and the environment.
Let us help you achieve the best possible impression with our pressure washing services. We work with many Wichita businesses and provide affordable and proven solutions. Our equipment is made up of today’s fastest and most effective cleaning gear found on the market. Power washing helps take care of non-hazardous spills, graffiti, grime, oil spots, chewing gum and many other other cleaning services that require water.
Our pressure washing machines are fast and aggressive on paved surfaces to remove stains and grime, but gentle enough to do so without damaging your concrete surfaces.
Kansas Clean Properties’ cleaning services are available 24 hours a day for all of our commercial business clients. We working with businesses to accommodate their busy schedules. At KCP we understand how important a your external appearance is to your bottom line. Providing exceptional power washing services for businesses, some of the areas able to be pressure washed include:
Having your driveways, decks, roof, and store fronts power washed can help protect appearance and increase the value of your home and property.
Helping homeowners maintain their home’s value and appearance, we are experienced with the cleaning and maintenance expectations of our customers. We offer a variety of residential power washing services for single and multi-family housing customers including the following areas:
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